



  • 名稱
    Wang, Ya-Fang
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年度 參考文獻格式
2023 Wang, Ya-Fang; Hsieh, Yu-Chu (2023). Credit Rating and Board Evaluation of Family Firms. International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, Vol. 16, No. 1, p.p7-18 [ECONLIT].
2022 Wang, Ya-Fang(2022). Audit Fees, Patent Litigation, and Long-Term Performance. International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, Vol. 15, No. 1, p.p7-15 [ECONLIT].
2021 Wang, Ya-Fang(2021). Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Pollution, and Stock Market Reaction. International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, p.p40-46 [ECONLIT].
2020 Wang, Ya-Fang(2020). New Insights on Audit Quality. International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, Vol. 13, No. 1, p.p21-28 [ECONLIT].
2020 Wang, Ya-Fang; Kuo, Yen-Fang(2020). Exploring the Family Effect on Innovative Capacity and Earnings Management. International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, Vol. 13, No. 2, p.p39-61 [ECONLIT].
2019 Wang, Ya-Fang; Cho, Chia-Chi(2019). The Effect of Audit Committee Turnover on Earnings Quality: An Analysis of Family Firms. International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 1, No. 0, p.p1-29 [ECONLIT].
2018 Wang, Ya-Fang(2018). How Does the Credit Rating React to the Function of D&O Insurance?. Asian Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 8, No. 3, p.p424-432 [ECONLIT].
2018 Wang, Ya-Fang; Liao, Yu-Xuan(2018). The Implication of Chief Audit Executive Switching. International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 12, No. 12, p.p529-562 [ECONLIT].
2017 周玲臺;王雅芳;林家駿(2017)。財務報表重編與審計公費。會計評論,第0卷,第65期,頁83-116 [其它]。
2017 Wang, Ya-Fang ; Chen, Yen-Ju(2017). The Causes and Economic Consequences of Patent Litigation. Asian Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 7, No. 11, p.p1123-1143 [ECONLIT].
2016 Wang, Ya-Fang(2016). Does the Type of Material Information Matter to CEO Turnover?. Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, Vol. 8, No. 1, p.p182-194 [ECONLIT].
2016 王雅芳;鐘雅譯(2016)。信息揭露质量对企业价值与盈余质量影响之研究:来自企业社会责任履行的证据。中國會計評論,第14卷,第2期,頁199-226 [其它]。
2015 王雅芳, 黃鈺婷(2015)。供应链审计师选择之审计收费溢价分析。當代會計評論,第8卷,第1期,頁99-119 [其它]。
2015 Wang, Ya-Fang; Syu, Hua-Wun(2015). Exploring the Nature of Material Information: Disclosure and Its Implications. International Journal of Economic and Finance, Vol. 7, No. 10, p.p10-30 [ECONLIT].
2014 Wang, Ya-Fang; Huang, Yu-Ting(2014). Types of Restatement Decisions and Ex-ante Red Flags of Internal Control Quality. Global Journal of Business Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, p.p1-8 [ECONLIT].
2014 Wang, Ya-Fang; Huang, Yu-Ting(2014). How Do Auditors Increase Substantially Firm Value?. International Journal of Economic and Finance, Vol. 6, No. 10, p.p76-82 [ECONLIT].
2014 王雅芳, 黃鈺婷(2014)。企业信用风险与电子供应链审计师之关联性分析。中國會計評論,第12卷,第2期,頁0-0 [其它]。
2013 Wang, Y.F.(2013). Internal Control and Financial Quality: Evidence from Post-SOX Restatement.. Accounting and Taxation, Vol. 0, No. 5, p.p19-28 [其它].
2013 Wang, Ya-Fang; Huang, Yu-Ting(2013). The Association between Internal Control Situations and Specialist Auditor Choices. International Business Research, Vol. 6, No. 6, p.p1-8 [ECONLIT].
2013 Wang, Ya-Fang; Huang, Yu-Ting(2013). The Impact of Internal Control Quality on CFO Turnover.. Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, Vol. 5, No. 1, p.p334-343 [ECONLIT].
2013 王雅芳,陳奎文(2013)。雙簽制度下會計師產業專精對財務質量之影響。中國會計評論,第11卷,第2期,頁203-230 [其它]。
2012 Wang, Y.F.(2012). Restatement severity, credit risk, and internal control. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 0, No. 89, p.p146-158 [ECONLIT].
2012 Wang, Y.F.(2012). Economic consequence of post-SOX restatement.. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 0, No. 90, p.p164-175 [ECONLIT].
2011 Wang,Y.F., and L.T. Chou(2011). Impact of restatement characteristics and subsequent earnings management on post-SOX executive turnover. Review of Business, Vol. 0, No. 31, p.p24-50 [其它].
年度 參考文獻格式
2024 Wang, Ya-Fang; Chao, Ching-Chin(20240325~20240329), The importance of ESG-related concept in higher education, The 10th Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID2024).
2019 Katsurada, A., C.C. Cho, and Wang, Y.F.(20190401~20190403), The Effect of Audit Committee Turnover on Earnings Quality: An Analysis of Family Firms, International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP).
2019 Wang, Ya-Fang2. Wang, Y.F., Y.X. Liao, and A. Katsurada.(20190401~20190403), The Implication of Chief Audit Executive Switching, International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP).
2016 Wang, Y.F., Y.J. Chen, and Y.F. Kuo.(20161202~20161205), The Causes and Consequences of Patent Litigation, The 3rd Asian Conference on the Social Sciences and Sustainability.
2016 Wang, Y.F., Y.F. Kuo, and Y.J. Chen.(20161202~20161205), Family Firms and Innovative Capacity: Evidence from New Patent Cases, The 3rd Asian Conference on the Social Sciences and Sustainability.
2015 Wang, Y.F., H.W. Syu, and Y.T. Huang.(20150507~20150509), Exploring the Nature of Material Information: Disclosure and Its Implications, The 3rd International Conference on Social Science and Management.
2013 王雅芳;鐘雅譯;黃鈺婷(20131105~20131105),資訊揭露品質對企業價值與盈餘品質影響之研究:來自企業社會責任履行的證據,2013亞太中小企業創新國際研討會。
2013 Huang, Y.T., C. Liu, and Y.F. Wang.(20130803~20130807), Audit Quality of the Integrated Supply Chain-Evidence from Taiwan Electronic Industry, 2013 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim.
2013 Cheng, C.S., L.T. Chou, and Y.F. Wang(20130803~20130807), Financial Restatements and Credit Ratings, 2013 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting.
2012 Chou, L.T., C. Liu, and Y.F. Wang.(20120804~20120808), 2012 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 2012 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting.
2012 Cheng, C.S., L.T. Chou, and Y.F. Wang.(20120112~20120114), 2012 Auditing Section Midyear Conference, 2012 Auditing Section Midyear Conference.
2012 王雅芳;陳奎文;黃鈺婷(20121129~20121201),從電子產業供應鏈探討會計師查核品質:以四大會計師事務所為例,2012年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會。
2012 王雅芳;陳奎文;黃鈺婷(20121129~20121201),供應鏈會計師對財報品質的影響:台灣電子業之證據,2012年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會。
Wang, Y.F. and Chou, L.T., Effects of Post-SOX Restatement Characteristics and Management Behavior on CEO/CFO Turnover, (a) 17th SFM Conference (Concurrent session). (b) 2010 Auditing Section Midyear Conference (Roundtable Session). (c) 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (Concurrent session)..
周玲臺, 王雅芳, 林家駿,財務報表重編與會計師公費,2010會計理論與實務研討會。
年度 計畫名稱 主持人 計畫期間 共同主持人
Internal Controls, Restatements and Audit Fees 王雅芳 2010-2011
學期別 班級 科目代碼 科目名稱 修別 學分數
1131 會計四A 02336 電腦審計 選修 3
1131 會計二B 01968 統計學(一) 必修 3
1131 會計三B 04536 成本會計(一) 必修 3
學校名稱 論文名稱 學位
政治大學會計學博士 Credit Ratings and Management Turnover: Evidence from Restatements after SOX 博士論文