年度 |
參考文獻格式 |
2023 |
黃習緣, 鄭莉(20230527~20230527),影響關鍵查核事項可讀性的因素,2023 中小企業經營管理研討會論文集(頁200~213)。 |
2021 |
鄭莉, 卓子程, 張舜評,吳品璇(20210530~20210530),公司治理評鑑與外部公司治理關聯性研究,中華創新管理學會學術與實務研討會2021論文集(頁253~262)。 |
2018 |
鄭莉,劉加恩,許元嘉,吳宜陵(20180609~20180609),更換會計師原因與審計品質之關聯性,2018第20屆科技整合管理研討會。 |
2016 |
Lin, Cho-Min ; Cheng, Li(20160522~20160522), How corporate governance affects executive compensation under controlling shareholder problems and corporate governance view, 2016 海峽兩岸金融教育聯盟暨中部財金學術聯盟研討會. |
2015 |
Lin, Cho-Min ; Cheng, Li(20150707~20150708), How Corporate Governance Affects Executive Compensation under Controlling Shareholder Problems and Corporate governance view, 海峽兩岸金融研討會. |
2013 |
鄭莉、宮尚言、王怡婷(20130920~20130920),產業專精對會計師獨立性的影響,2014當代會計研討會。 |
2010 |
Cheng, Li*, Chen, Yenn-Ru, Chiou, Jeng-Ren, and Lee, Cheng-Few(20100707~20100707), State policy, ownership, and firm value: The evidence of the state-controlled listed firms in China, ICAIT 2010 International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology. |
2010 |
Cheng, Li*, Chen, Yenn-Ru, and Chiou, Jeng-Ren(20100731~20100804), Market reactions around split-share structure reform and the determinants of consideration: Evidence from Chinese listed firms., 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association. |
2010 |
Cheng, Li*, Chen, Yenn-Ru, and Chiou, Jeng-Ren(20100607~20100609), Market reactions around split-share structure reform and the determinants of consideration: Evidence from Chinese listed firms., 2010 Cross-Strait Accounting Annual Conference. |
2010 |
Cheng, Li*, Chen, Yenn-Ru, Chiou, Jeng-Ren, and Lee, Cheng-Few(20100115~20100115), The impact of State policies on the relation between ownership and frim value:The evidence of Chinese listed firms, The 3rd NCTU International Finance Conference. |
2009 |
Cheng, Li*, Chen, Yenn-Ru., and Chen, Chiou, J. R.(20091210~20091211), Market reactions around split-share structure reform and the determinants of consideration: Evidence from Chinese listed firms., 2009 ACCOUNTING THEORY AND PRACTICE CONFERENCE. |
2009 |
Cheng, Li, Chen, Yenn-Ru*, Chiou, Jeng-Ren, and Lee, Cheng-Few(20090801~20090805), State policy, ownership, and firm value: The evidence of the state-controlled listed firms in China, 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association. |
2008 |
Lin, Y. H.*, Chiou, J. R., Chen, J. F., Cheng, L. and Wang, Y. C.(200810~200810), A comparative evaluation of the corporate governance change in China and India: Evidence from mergers by foreign investors, Research Symposium on Corporate Governance in China and India. |
2008 |
Chiou, Jeng-Ren., Cheng, Li.*,Chen, Yenn-Ru, and Lee, Cheng-Few(20080315~20080315), State policy, ownership, and firm value: The evidence of the state-controlled privatized firms in China, International Conference on Market Development and Investment Strategies. |
2007 |
邱正仁、陳嬿如、鄭 莉*、張瑜珊(200707~200707),企業大陸投資與融資決策-自我選擇模型分析,第十屆兩岸中華文化與經營管理學術研討會。 |
2007 |
邱正仁、夏凡翎、鄭 莉*(200704~200704),臺灣企業跨足國際大廠之營運策略分析—以喬山公司為例,第六屆兩岸個案研討會。 |
2006 |
邱正仁、鄭 莉*、邱于彥(200607~200607),從國有產權與資本市場探討大陸上市公司股權結構對企業績效之影響,2006兩岸中華文化與經營管理研討會。 |
2005 |
邱正仁、鄭 莉*、吳涵雯(200505~200505),影響營運資金管理因素之實證研究,2005公司治理理論與實務研討會。 |
2005 |
吳清在、鄭 莉*(200503~200503),以財務危機警訊公司探討會計師出具繼續經營疑慮意見之傾向,2005年財務金融學會年會暨學術論文研討會。 |
2004 |
邱正仁、鄭 莉*、郭彥宏(200410~200410),台商赴大陸投資衍生關係人交易與生產成本結構之研究,2004年會計理論與實務研討會。 |
2002 |
江向才、鄭 莉*(20020504~20020504),盈餘管理與償債能力之關係-以台灣上市公司資訊電子業為例,2002會計與審計學術研討會。 |